Thursday, November 19, 2009

Most of us have wondered at some point or another how a lawyer would be able to beat a traffic ticket for you. Think about it, you were speeding and you got caught plain and simple. How would they be able to convince the court otherwise? Traffic ticket lawyer methods for doing this are really not all that complicated, but you will definitely want one before attempting to beat any ticket.

The trick in how lawyers do this is in the volume of information they have for beating the ticket. In some cases they might find errors, in others they might make it look like they have enough to beat the ticket and scare the prosecutor from pursuing and in some instances they might just ask for a pass.

A story I have heard many times is of those getting a speeding ticket and the lawyer thinking the best thing to do would be to ask for the charge to be reduced to a non-moving violation. This gives the court something to charge you with while not effecting your insurance.

In some cases people have the speeding ticket on top of a DUI charge. These two violations are usually taken care of during separate court hearings. If you are really lucky the DUI hearing will be over with before you ever appear for the speeding violation.

If this is the case, the lawyer can speak with the prosecutor before the hearing begins and inform them that the DUI has been handled already. Then they can ask what could be done to get the violation reduced for you so that you can move on. Usually the two lawyers will be able to come to some type of agreement on this matter.

This doesn’t happen every single time and in some instances your lawyer might have to threaten going to trial to get anything done. If they have won similar cases in the past it does weight heavily on the courts decision. This is why having a lawyer is critical in these situations if you want to come out on top.

Your lawyer will have the knowledge and experience to spot any problems with the case and form a strategy around that. This is not saying you wouldn’t be able to do it all yourself, but the best results come from having a lawyer, like one from the Traffic Ticket Team, on your side so that every possible option you could take are evaluated proficiently.


atif xhaikh said...

Thank you for such a well written article. It’s full of insightful information and entertaining descriptions. Your point of view is the best among many.
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